Arrow Electronics is technology distributor, who is a lead innovator in IoT solutions and services. This gives them unique insight and understanding into how important security is to a well-designed product. By achieving PSA Certified Level 1, Arrow Electronics are providing a foundation of security for their Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) customers, allowing them to build on top of a Root of Trust. Arrow have reused pre-certified components from Infineon and Amazon FreeRTOS to ease the certification of their product.
PSA Certified Solutions from Arrow Electronics
How Our Collaboration is Defragmenting the IoT
In the PSA Certified 2023 Security Report, there was a clear request from the ecosystem for more off-the-shelf trusted components, that make use of a Root of Trust. In fact, when asked what would make IoT security easier to deploy 58% of respondents asked for “trusted components”. The PSA Certified ecosystem is providing exactly this, with nearly 40 silicon vendors that have adopted the PSA Root of Trust (PSA-RoT) which software providers and device manufacturers are building upon and reusing time and time again in designs.
Arrow is providing full development platforms which will make security components easier to reuse than ever before. They know that if we are to create an ecosystem that offers IoT security today and into the future, manufacturers will need to be able to choose trusted components that are assured of a Root of Trust at the silicon layer, forming the foundation on which all secure operations of a computing system depend.
Together, we can help you to close gaps in security offering and increase confidence to your end customers. Let’s explore the key benefits of our collaboration.
Accelerated development of secure systems using the PSA Certified trusted methodology.
Reducing risk and reducing cost thanks to the methodology provided by PSA Certified and Arrow end-to-end support.
Regulation alignment bringing increased access to global markets.
Arrow Electronics’ knows the importance of designing with security in mind to protect customers’ data and IP. Arrow is collaborating with PSA Certified to provide certified platforms that align with cyber-security standards, using trusted silicon and offering engineering services to get to market faster and more securely.

Building with Trusted Components Democratizes Security
For a device or development platform to achieve PSA Certified Level 1, they have to demonstrate security best practice through their system. Arrow Electronics have a strong history of selecting pre-certified components with varied levels of security robustness, which streamlines the journey to PSA Certified.

Pre-Certified Silicon at the Heart of Designs
Two of Arrow’s PSA Certified products are built on the ST Microelectronics STM32U5 chip, which is one of only two products worldwide with the PSA Certified Level 3 certification.
Another of Arrow’s PSA Certified products is built on PSA Certified Level 2 Infineon PSoC 64 Secure MCUs (which is based on the Arm Cortex-M family).
By building on these PSA Certified components, Arrow Electronics offer assurance to IoT developers that they are building on a foundation of security that has been independently assessed.

Simplified Security Implementations using Certified System Software
The PSA Certified Arrow platforms are all built using PSA Certified system software from AWS and Microsoft. PSA Certified Level 1 assures fundamental security principles have been built into system software while PSA Certified API Certification provides a simplified route to the security functions built into the silicon.