Earlier this year PSA Certified reached an exciting milestone: our first birthday, which coincides with the annual Embedded World conference. Naturally, this milestone offers a great reminder to reflect the year gone past and what the next year might look like. The PSA Certified founders believe that the 2020’s is highly likely to be the “decade of security regulations”, with many guidelines and questionnaires all pointing in slightly different directions.
Whilst the introduction of regulations indicate progress away from the “IoT wild west”, it can often feel as if these regulations are behind the innovation and creates additional confusion and work to map to guidelines.
With all this in mind, it’s more important than ever to understand the regulations affecting your business, which is why PSA Certified is working hard to align the ecosystem. Earlier this year, we announced mapping across a variety of worldwide regulations. This pulls together the semantics and similarities between guidelines and means that PSA Certified automatically helps you adhere to key standards globally.
Alongside this new mapping, we have also seen the first partners demonstrating heightened security in the PSA Root of Trust, with PSA Certified Level 2. This is a huge milestone in the development of PSA Certified, focusing on the silicon to put security at the heart of IoT devices.
To mark these achievements, we invited one of the PSA Certified founders, Rob Coombs, to share his perspective on the year ahead and what the PSA Certified founders have done to make the lives of OEMs a little easier.
We’ve wrapped everything up into a handy 30-minute online webinar, which is completely free-of-charge. The new webinar covers:
- The role of digital transformation for the Internet of Things (IoT).
- 2020’s: the decade of security regulations. How the industry is moving from ‘insecurity’ to standards, framework and regulation overload, making it impossible to work out who to follow.
- How PSA Certified is helping the electronics industry to improve security for the Internet of Things (IoT)
- The methodology of PSA Certified, plus a recap of the four PSA Certified stages: analyse, architect, implement and certify.
- New for 2020: How PSA Certified Level 1 now maps to some of the key regional requirements across the globe.
- An introduction to all three levels of PSA Certified, plus PSA Functional API Certification and Entity Attestation Tokens (EAT)
- How to get started with the PSA Certified Scheme
As we expand our business geographically, the PSA Certified program enables us to maximize our products’ security and brand visibility, and ultimately the value we offer customers.